That's right. Even though the NFL has been using Roman numerals to identify the Super Bowls since Super Bowl V back in 1971, the decision has been made to use Arabic numerals for this year's event.
I'm hearing a number of reasons for this change.
The first reason I heard was that the L, all by itself, looks like the symbol for loser. Well I hate to break it to you, people... but I can absolutely guarantee you that by the end of the event, one of the teams will lose.. as will those who bet on that team to win.
According to Wikipedia, it was too hard to design an aesthetically pleasing logo with just the lone L, using the standardized logo template that was introduced at Super Bowl XLV.
XLV is 45. Using Roman numerals is a tradition that's been in place for 45 years.... and the NFL is going to buck tradition because they couldn't find a logo that worked with the template introduced six year ago? I, for one, think that perhaps they could have tried a little harder.Now, in case you're not confused enough, it's already been announced that next year, we'll revert back to Roman numerals. So in the future, when sports buffs look back in history, they'll see stats for Super Bowls XLIX, 50, and LI.

Surely, I can't be the only one who thinks this is stupid.
And speaking of surely, or Shirley... what does this say about Laverne's L?
Are we supposed to think poorly of K, and M, for associating with the lone L?
And the notion that L is associated with 'loser' is just plain silly. What about Loyal, and Loving, or happy words like Laugh, or athletic words like Leap, or Long?
And what about Laurie? What am I supposed to do without an L?
This is ridiculous. I don't care if it's for one year, or one day, or one event. I refuse to give up my
I'm going to go have a cup of tea, and make plans to watch Super Bowl L on Sunday.